Learn to travel with someone who already
traveled to more than 160 countries
Let's share our strategy for saving money and ensuring good trips.

Understand what you should really plan and, above all, know how to manage unforeseen events.

Learn from our experience traveling to over 160 countries and enjoy every moment.

For your flights: how to deal with reservations, destinations... and how to use important tools.

Earning less than two minimum wages and married, Rafael invites Lídia on a big trip to Argentina and Israel, and a year later to Israel, Greece and Egypt. So they decide to finally put into action a plan that came up over time, to visit 100 countries in the world. The result eight years later is a hundred countries visited for a total of 103, more than half of the world total. These are the tales of Rafael and Lídia's travels during this intense period that made them the first couple in the history of the planet to visit more than 100 countries and all continents including Antarctica before the age of 30.
We have been together for almost 9 years, married for 7 and traveling for 8 years, the desire to visit all countries has been present throughout our marriage, and we really want to bring this title to Brazil!
Lídia was born and raised in Uberlândia Minas Gerais, graduated from the Federal University of Uberlândia in Nursing, studied obstetrics at Albert Einstein and today works as a nurse specializing in breastfeeding at Rede D'or São Luiz.
Rafael was born into a simple family in the countryside, studied at a public school, is now 28 years old and is an architect of knowledge, producer and artist dedicated to education and integration between creativity and functionality in the educational environment.Graduated in person from the five best universities in the world, Harvard (storytelling), Stanford (design thinking), MIT (gamification), Oxford (Hebrew in Christian Writings) and Cambridge (Social Human) Social Worker and Theologian by training, studied for a master's degree in Education from the Universidad de la Empresa - Uruguay, and Doctorate in Theology from the Servo de Cristo Seminary.
He founded the art and culture festivals Hype, Travel Conference, Love7 and Rock no Vale. Rafael's travels have taken him to many places, where he has spoken to more than half a million people from a wide variety of audiences, including children, teenagers, entrepreneurs, banks, universities, military bases and conferences focusing on leadership, creativity and culture. Author of the books Architecture of Education and Adultized Children Generate Infantilized Adults which were distributed in 12 countries.